Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Finding my spot...

I'm a new homeschooler in a new town. I don't know many people, and I'm trying to figure out where I fit in. I am a relaxed homeschooler who is otherwise fairly mainstream (except in the ways I'm not, LOL!). Because my oldest is just kindergarten age, I can still sign up for some preschooler activities (like Moms' groups), but often get to deal with some pretty ignorant attitudes about homeschooling. Most homeschooling groups are (understandably) geared toward children who are more solidly school-aged. We are Christian, but I'm not making Christianity the central focus of our homeschooling, so I don't seem to fit into Christian homeschooling groups. I have found an inclusive group I like a lot, but there are very few kids the same age as mine. We're going to keep going to that group as long as my kids like it, hoping that more families with young kids will eventually start coming.

What I'd really like is a monthly support group that meets in the evening, but I can't find one that's right for me. I know that I should just start the group I'm looking for, but at the moment I'm not feeling that brave.

1 comment:

momto5minnies said...

I can imagine your frustrations. As you know, LR is not a very Catholic sort of place. WE have tons of bible churches and Baptist churches. I think a lot of the hs'ing groups fall into the "very christian" like atmosphere.

I have been reading a lot about Catholic hs'ing and while I am Catholic, I almost don't feel holy enough to be apart of that ... they don't even have Catholic groups where I live anyway. I would like to make it more of our life, but I have to start slowly. Don't think I will become a Catholic scholar overnight.

I do hope that you find your niche with groups. Maybe next year, you will feel a little braver with starting up your own group.