Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What exactly did they expect?

The Washington Post has an article this morning about the stress men feel while in Labor and Delivery with their wives: The Feeling Her Pain
Intensity of Childbirth Experience Leaves Some Men Feeling Ill-Prepared
. You'd think there would be some sense of irony here, considering that the main source of their discomfort is the fact that their wife is in agony. Childbirth is SCARY FOR WOMEN TOO. I have unusually fast and intense labors, but it would terrify me to be there without someone to advocate for me, and given the fairly intimate exposure, I prefer for my husband to be that advocate. I understand that childbirth is kind of gross to watch (there's a reason I've never asked for a mirror to witness it myself), but, seriously guys, suck it up, and be there for your wives.

A word of warning: if you think childbirth is gross, wait till you try parenting! Whether you're all passing around the flu, or someone needs stitches, kids require a strong stomach.

Luckily, kids are worth it.

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